Seven finesse techniques
Downsize your bait a little and catch some bigger fish with these seven techniques.
Homemade power drink
Instead of stopping at the convenience store for some power drinks on the way to the lake, camping, hiking or any of your outdoor adventures, make this recipe at home...
Smoked Brown Trout with Jimmy Kennedy
Catch, fillet, soak in Jimmy Kennedy’s easy to make brine and enjoy some delicious smoked trout.
Catch and release tips with James Hall
Tips to help you once you catch your fish. How to handle the fish to protect you and the fish if you are practicing catch and release.
6 ways to make coffee with Jimmy Kennedy
Don’t skip your morning coffee on the trail! You’ve got options to fill your caffeine intake needs.
Shanty sushi with Jimmy Kennedy
This recipe is more of an idea than an actual recipe. My family and I eat a fair amount of sushi and sashimi at home, and I was thinking that...
Big Green Egg Kabobs
Enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner on the Big Green Egg Minimax with these delicious kabob recipes.
Yamaha Clip of the Day: Whitaker’s leaderboard climb
Jake Whitaker stacked two good days of fishing back to back at the Harris Chain, and his move towards the top is the Yamaha Clip of the Day. Watch the...