When the greatest teachers of fishing are discussed, Ron Lindner’s name comes up — he even created an algebraic equation on fishing success.
His passing at 86 in December came months after he earned yet another distinction, an induction into the Bass Fishing Hall of Fame (BFHOF). Along with designing lures like the Lindy Rig, Ron and brother, Al, created a media empire in the In-Fisherman network, with TV, radio and print platforms.
Helping others learn to improve their fishing, the brothers even came up with the equation F+L+P = S (Fish + Location + Presentation = Success). Lindner, who competed in B.A.S.S. tournaments and taught techniques for northern bass fisheries, was co-author of 10 books and holds numerous patents.
“Ron will always be known as a teacher of fishing — he truly made us all better anglers for so many decades,” TV host Mark Zona said.
Bassmaster Elite Series emcee Dave Mercer said Linder was an incredible man.
“Not just on the water but in so many other ways. Not only was he a pioneer and an innovator, but his unmatched passion and love for the sport was awe-inspiring,” Mercer said. “Our relationship started when I was a little kid sitting on the living room floor looking up at him on TV and dreaming.
“But even years later when I was lucky enough to get to know him personally, it never changed. I still looked up to him, but with greater respect than I could have even imagined as a child. Every single time I was lucky enough to spend time with him I walked away more educated, more excited and more inspired to be better.”
For Pete Robbins’ report on Ron Lindner, click here, and for Elite angler Jeff Gustafson’s personal experiences with Lindner, click here.
COVID-19 postponed 2020’s induction ceremony until next fall, when Lindner’s plaque will go up alongside so many of his contemporaries, including his brother Al. The Lindners will join Billy and Bobby Murray as the second set of siblings inducted into the Bass Fishing Hall of Fame at Johnny Morris’ Wonders of Wildlife in Bass Pro Shops flagship store in Springfield, Mo.
The 2020 inductees, which include Elite Series pro Jay Yelas, 1994 Classic champ Bryan Kerchal, B.A.S.S. angler relations manager Steve Bowman and early lure manufacturer James Heddon, will be honored alongside the 2021 class, which the BFHOF is currently considering.
The Daily Limit profiled Jay Yelas as the Mr. Rogers of bass fishing, and Bryan Kerchal is well-known as the only Classic champion who qualified directly from the B.A.S.S. Nation. Tragically, he died the same year. Bowman, who is on every Elite’s phone favorites as manager of angler relations, will be inducted into his third hall of fame. Here’s this reporter’s take after Bowman made the Arkansas Outdoors Hall of Fame.
Now let’s we go back more than 100 years for a history lesson on Heddon.

Although Heddon died in 1911, the name of the famed lure maker remains familiar with anglers.
There are “Aha” moments that hold interest, like how pioneers carved out their niche in the industry, which Heddon literally did as inventor of the first wooden artificial lure. The story goes that in the late 1890s Heddon was whittling on a stick at Mill Pond in Dowagiac, Mich., while waiting on a friend. Getting up to leave, he tossed the remaining piece of wood into the lake and a bass immediately hit it. Eureka!
That epiphany led the beekeeper to begin carving lures from broomsticks, which led to a 1902 patent on the Dowagiac Expert, and his company, James Heddon and Son. By the 1920s, the company was the largest producer of qualify fishing tackle, and many of its designs remain popular today, including the Zara Spook, River Runt, Meadow Mouse and Lucky 13.
The earliest Heddon lures, especially the wooden ones with glass eyes and metal props, are highly sought after by collectors, said Keith Bell, owner of MyBaitShop.com.
“The Heddon family was the early American pioneers of the fishing lure industry,” he said. “Their designs and ability to innovate and create quality products out of wood were something that was revolutionary in its day. They created a brand new commercial segment, one everyone would chase. They put the tiny town of Dowagiac, Mich., at the center of the fishing world, and it would stay there until 1984.”
MyBaitShop.com, which markets valuable lures, has posted several articles featuring Heddon lures. They are prominent in the 25 vintage lures worth a fortune, which spawned a separate piece on the 20 most valuable vintage Heddon lures.
Heddon lures have been auctioned in the five figures, and one lure is considered the crème de la crème for collectors, the Hand-Carved Frog that Bell estimates to be worth $100,000. Bell writes the eight known to exist were whittled by Heddon himself, and all are locked away. It’s believed PRADCO owns two, Bass Pro Shops one and the other five are in private collections.
“These were the lures that started it all, the hand-carved lures that changed the way we fish in America,” he wrote.
How’s that for a valuable history lesson.