LADSON, S.C. – High school and college age anglers are the focus of special activities next Sunday, February 25 at the Wisconsin Fishing Expo. Taking place at the Aliant Energy Center in Madison, young anglers wearing their fishing team jerseys will be admitted free of charge, plus Shimano ‘s ‘Varsity Program’ will present a special seminar on career opportunities in the fishing industry.
“Especially within the bass fishing scene, the interest in tournament fishing among young anglers has seen exceptional growth,” said Frank Hyla, coordinator for the Shimano program. “From attending past events, we found while many of these anglers aspire to fish the professional circuits, even more want to know about being involved in the fishing business as a career after finishing high school and college.”
At the 1 p.m. seminar, Hyla will discuss Shimano’s Varsity Program, scholarship opportunities, and the need of talented grads in positions like fishery management, product design, accounting and supply chain that are part of business side of fishing. Erin Streit, marketing manager at Crestliner Boats, talking about the many white and blue-collar positions offered in the marine industry, will join him.
“A big thanks to the folks at the Wisconsin Fishing Expo for this opportunity to connect with young anglers at their show,” Hyla said. “Wear your fishing jersey, bring a student I.D., learn about careers in the fishing business – plus we’re helping you keep a few extra bucks in your pocket that you can spend on new fishing gear. Plus Shimano will be exhibiting at the show all weekend – come check out all our bass, walleye and musky tackle.”
For more info on the Wisconsin Fishing Expos – visit http://wifishingexpo.com. For information on Shimano’s program for high school and college age anglers, visit http://varsity.shimano.com.