All captions: Craig Lamb

Albert Collins rotated through a bladed jig and worms, including a self-designed model that gives the fish a completely different look. Shop for lures on Amazon.com

Logan Latuso rotated through a creature bait, bladed jig and frog. Shop for lures on Amazon.com

A Carolina rig, creature bait and jig were the baits of choice for Darold Gleason. A network of 50 hotspots featuring drains and brushpiles were the casting targets. Shop for lures on Amazon.com

Keith Combs used Strike King Pro Model 6XD and 5XD Crankbaits for midrange cranking. Shop for lures on Amazon.com

Josh Douglas used this lure lineup for running a network of offshore spots with brushpiles, rock and hard bottom. Shop for lures on Amazon.com

Masayuki Matsushita used this lineup of baits to cover the water column in his area with the scattered wood cover. Shop for lures on Amazon.com