BASS Member Profiles

Tips from BASS Member Cynthia A. Brenner.

Name: Cynthia A. Brenner
Favorite lake to fish: St. Johns (River, Fla.), but I enjoy going out to any body of water.
BASS member since: 2010
Tell us the story of your Lunker Club catch: I was fishing with my mom and dad on their 41st anniversary. When I got the bite, I set the hook and the fish fought very hard. It was very exciting! When I landed her boatside, we took her measurements and weight. After videotaping her release, she was set free to fight another day.
What do you like most about being a BASS member?: Tips and techniques from the magazine.
Any successful tips/technique/lure you can share with us?: Spring and fall, fish in shallow water, 3 feet or less. Winter or summer, fish in deeper water, 10 feet or more. Of all the sports I think hunting and fishing are my game!
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