LENOIR CITY, Tenn. — Bailey Fain, who will soon go into his senior year of high school, will leave Lenoir City High School a better place.
Less than two years ago, Fain approached his pastor, Dr. Ronny Jones, and asked him if he would coach a high school bass fishing team if Fain started it. The two worked together and got it going, and now the team has 32 members.
It’s this leadership that has led to Fain’s selection as a member of the 2016 Bassmaster High School All-American team.
“Bailey was elected president of the team and was in charge of the monthly meetings,” wrote Jones. “I saw him approach local business owners about sponsorship of the club and obtain guest speakers for the meetings. Bailey is always willing to help members of the team by taking them fishing in his boat and sharing tips.”
Fain has an impressive nine wins to his credit this past year and eight Top 5 finishes. When he graduates high school next year, he hopes to join a college that has a strong bass fishing team.
“Bailey’s high school years are marked with leadership skills and a clear sense of purpose,” wrote Greg Boling, the assistant principal and athletic director at Lenoir City High School. “He is an intelligent, proficient and personable young man. He lives by the motto ‘just do what’s right.’”
Fain has won more than just bass fishing tournaments. Last spring, he won the Outstanding Student award in Agriculture Mechanics. He also has spent time volunteering at the Kids Fishing Day at Kingston Pike Baptist Church, serving as a tour guide at the Loudon County 4-H Farm Day, and participating in a lake cleanup with the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Keep up with the High School All-American program at Bassmaster.com/AllAmerican.