
Prices continue to rise and it seems like everyone is trying to make their dollars go a bit further these days. This can be difficult when it comes to kids, especially with their outdoor gear. Just when I learn their shoe size, it changes again. However, there are some key pieces of outdoor gear that are designed to grow with your child, and several others that make any hike more enjoyable.
1. Trekking poles- trekking poles not only help absorb shock, they are also fun to use. If you are considering a steep or rocky hike with kids, look into a pair of trekking poles. The ones sized for youth have a smaller handle that is easier to grip and are expandable so they grow with your child.

2. Hiking shoes- prior to our trip to Yellowstone National Park, I did some research into when to upgrade kids to a hiking shoe or boot. Hiking shoes have a stiffer sole that is good for hard, rocky terrain and many times they are more water resistant than an athletic sneaker. If your kids will be hiking over three miles a day or going on multi day hikes, they may benefit from a hiking shoe or boot.
3. Backpacks- if your child is elementary school aged, they are ready to carry a backpack. We started our kids with a daypack that would hold their overnight clothes and recently upgraded our ten year old to a kid’s backpack. For maximum comfort, look for a backpack or daypack that has adjustable straps and also an adjustable and padded waist belt. Many brands are making their kids backpacks with a built in rain cover, which is nice for those unexpected rain showers.

4. Water bladders- my kids love stopping for snacks and could usually care less about how quickly we hike. Water bladders are a convenient way to keep the hike moving. They are easily accessible and to avoid stopping for bathroom breaks, only fill them halfway up.
5. Socks- if there is one area to splurge for a hike, it’s on your socks. Our kids like the smart wool socks that rise above their ankles because they cushion their heels from blisters and also keep the gravel out of their shoes, most of the time. Smart wool is a great fabric due to its moisture wicking properties. The more moisture in your sock, the more likely your feet will get blisters.
