What is it?
Tires are an extremely important part of any vacation or road trip taken by vehicles. Even more important is knowing the condition, as well as the current pressure and temperature, of those tires, especially when traveling by RV or when towing boats, ATVs, or other outdoor gear. Monitoring your tires can help prevent flat tires and expensive tire damage. Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) products are designed to be easy and convenient to use while providing you with real-time tire pressure and temperature stats while driving down the road.
What sets it apart?
The TireMinder I10 TPMS is great for anyone who tows. Whether you’re pulling an RV, a boat or a utility trailer, or driving a motorhome with a vehicle in tow, being aware of what each tire is doing is crucial. The I10 allows you to monitor up to 20 tires in real time, giving you current tire pressure and temperature readings. And with the new pass-through sensors, you won’t have to remove them to adjust the tire pressure. There are also built-in alarms to alert you to any drastic changes in pressure or temperature, giving you time to pull over safely before a potential catastrophe.
How do I use it?
Installation is very simple. After charging the display unit and with it on, you go to each tire and replace the valve stem cap with the TireMinder sensor. Within seconds, the display unit recognizes and pairs to the sensor for that specific tire. Once you’ve installed all the sensors, you are ready to roll! Depending on the length of your rig, you may need to also install the signal repeater for a stronger signal.
How much?
$349 – $655 (depending on the number of sensors)
Adventurtunity Family’s insight:
We travel in a large motorhome that is also our home, and we pull our Jeep behind it on travel days. To say that a tire blowout at full speed could be a catastrophic experience is an understatement. And while it’s impossible to predict or prevent all such occurrences, taking as much precaution as we can to avoid them is high priority. To that end, we installed the TireMinder I10 system on all of our RV and Jeep tires and love the information it provides. Knowing if a tire is at low pressure or overheated before it blows will give us time to get off the road safely and correct it before major damage occurs. It’s also a great way to get tire pressure readings before we hit the road, in case we need to adjust any. It saves lots of time from having to check each tire individually.