Rivet still seeing them

Tyler Rivet has been looking at the fish on his graph all week and he’s still seeing them, but they are not cooperating. B.A.S.S. photog Andy Crawford is on the water following Rivet and Crawford has seen him set the hook twice on one fish, jumping up and down because he thought for sure the fish would have it both times. 

The bass are following Rivet’s jerkbait all the way back to the boat, so they are responding to his lure. They’re just noncommittal. The cloud cover and wind are no doubt playing a role in this change of pace. And the wind has also dropped the water level a foot according to Crawford. It’s blowing out of the northeast this morning at a substantial 17 miles per hour, which pulls water out of the river. 

Rivet has some new variables to consider. But so do the other 49 anglers on the water. Today is definitely a new day.