Przekurat can’t relax

Jay Przekurat will have to save his sigh of relief for later. There’s no doubt been an enormous weight on the shoulders of this 23 year old rookie the last 3 days. The weight of the whole bass fishing world watching and rooting him on as he’s been the front-runner in the chase to track down the Century Club Belt for the first time with all brown bass.

He’s done that. But he can’t quit now.

Right on Przekurat’s heels we find Cory Johnston, one of the handful of local favorites predicted to win this week and perhaps the one with the biggest St Lawrence axe to grind, as he’s still in search of his first blue trophy. Johnston is sick of bad luck costing him the big win and he’s on a rampage with three massive bass in the boat today, a 5-8, 5-12 and 6-0.

If Johnston can tame two more of these Great Lake gorillas, he’s got a good shot at chasing down Przekurat as it stands currently. The three big ones he has average 5- and 3/4- pounds for Johnston. Two more of those to cull a 4-4 and 4-6 and he’ll bust through the hundred pound mark and be all up in Przekurat’s business with 100- pounds, 9 ounces of his own.