B.A.S.S., LLC Privacy Policy

Please click here for a printable PDF version of this notice.

Effective Date: January 4, 2024

B.A.S.S., LLC (“BASS”) collects, uses, and shares information about you when you interact with our websites, social media sites and handles, and email, and when you provide us with information to register for tournaments or a magazine subscription (our “Services”). This Privacy Policy explains:

  • The types of information we collect through our Services;
  • How we use and protect that information;
  • The types of information we may share with others and under what circumstances;
  • The choices you have regarding our collection, use, and sharing practices; and
  • Details regarding our use of third-party cookies and other tracking technologies.

This Policy applies when you interact with us through our Services. It also applies anywhere it is linked. It does not apply to non-BASS websites and mobile applications that may link to the Services or be linked to from the Services; please review the privacy policies on those websites and applications directly to understand their privacy practices.


Information You Gave Us

Our Services may permit you to provide us with your contact information and other information about you, which we store for the purposes described in this Policy, which including:

  • Contact and demographic information.
  • Payment information when you enter tournaments or purchase our products and services.
  • Your photograph, video or copy.
  • Content that you provide when you participate in forums and online communities; when you respond to questions we ask about your personal and professional interests; or when we solicit opinions about products, programs, and services from you. For instance, we may ask you to identify your job or number of days you fish to qualify you for new products and services.
  • Information you provide when you join our membership.
  • Information you provide when you enter a tournament, including your Social Security Number, tax information, medical information and emergency contact numbers of other people.
  • Information you provide when you participate in a contest or sweepstakes that we offer.
  • If you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence and any contact information provided.

Information We Collect From Other Sources

We may also receive information about you from other parties:

  • Information you may give to third parties who sell magazine subscriptions on our behalf or otherwise enroll you in a subscription.
  • Information about your interests, activities, and employment history from social networks and other places where you choose to share information publicly.
  • Information about your interaction with advertisements on our Services, or that we place on third party websites, from online advertising companies.

There may be occasions when you provide us with information about other people. You agree that you will obtain the other person’s consent before giving us his or her contact information.

Information We Collect Automatically

When you interact with the Services, we collect certain information about your use of our Services automatically. This includes:

  • Analytics about your interaction with our Services, including traffic data, location data, weblogs and other communication data, the resources that you access, and how you reached our Services.
  • Details regarding the device you use to access our Services, including, but not limited to, your IP address, operating system, and browser type.
  • Information about how you interact with our ads and newsletters, including whether you open or click links in any correspondence.
  • Information that you make available to us on a social media platform (such as by clicking on a social media icon linked from our Services), including your account ID or username and other information included in your posts.

Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies

We use cookies and other technologies to provide features on our Services. Please click here for more information about our uses of cookies.

We also partner with companies that use these technologies to collect information on our behalf about your use of our Services and responses to our advertisements. The types of cookies and tracking technologies our partners use can be categorized as:

  • Analytics: These technologies help us to understand how visitors interact with our Services by collecting and reporting information about how you and your device interact with the Services.
  • Advertising: These technologies allow us to serve relevant advertising to you on other websites or apps.

Below is a list of these partners with links to more information about their use of your information and any options they may make available regarding tracking.

Category Partner Futher Information
Advertising AddThis (Oracle) Privacy Policy / Opt-out
Advertising Aggregate Knowledge (Neustar) Privacy Policy / Opt-out
Advertising Facebook Privacy Policy / Opt-out
Advertising Quantcast/Quantcount Privacy Policy / Opt-out
Advertising Teads Privacy Policy
Advertising Trade Desk Privacy Policy / Opt-out
Advertising; Analytics Google Google Privacy and Terms
Analytics Brightcove Privacy Policy
Analytics Hotjar Privacy Policy
Analytics ScoreCard Research Privacy Policy / Opt-out


We may use the information we collect about you for the following purposes:

  • To provide you with our products and services, including to take steps to enter into a contract for sale or for services, process payments, fulfill orders or the terms of an agreement we have with you, send service communications, handle customer support requests, and conduct general business operations such as accounting, recordkeeping, and audits.
  • To fulfill your request to subscribe to publications.
  • To give recommendations, deliver our newsletter, deliver personalized marketing and advertising to you about our products and services, and to enable additional features on our Services and to provide you with a personalized service.
  • To improve your experience on the Services and improve and grow our business, including to understand how our Services are being used, understand our customer base, understand the effectiveness of our marketing, and develop new products and services.
  • To deliver tailored advertising on our Services and on third-party websites based on your preferences or interests and measures the effectiveness of ads.
  • To protect and secure our Services, assets, network, and business operations, and to detect, investigate, and prevent activities that may violate our policies or be fraudulent or illegal.
  • To comply with legal process, such as warrants, subpoenas, court orders, and lawful regulatory or law enforcement requests and to comply with legal requirements regarding the provision of products and services.

How We Secure the Information We Collect From or About You

We use a combination of physical, technical, and administrative safeguards intended to protect the information we collect through the Services as described in this Privacy Policy. While we use these precautions to safeguard your information, we cannot guarantee the security of the networks, systems, servers, devices, and databases we operate or that are operated on our behalf.

How We Share Your Information

Service Providers: We engage vendors to perform certain functions on our behalf, and they may receive or be granted access to information we collect from or about you. These vendors are obligated by contract to use information that we share only for the purpose of providing these services and to use reasonable means to protect such information . The business functions our vendors support are:

  • Vendors who support our magazine, such as printers and fulfillment vendors.
  • Billing, collection, and payment.
  • Auditing and accounting.
  • Professional services.
  • Analytics.
  • Security.
  • Information technology support, including cloud storage, software-as-a-service, and business software.
  • Marketing emails.

Advertisers: We partner with companies (including the ones listed in the table above) that assist us in advertising our Services to you and others who may be interested in them, and who use cookies to display interest-based advertising to you on our Services and third-party websites and apps. These companies may use tracking technologies on our website to collect or receive information from the Services and elsewhere on the internet and then use that information to measure and target ads.

Corporate Affiliates: We share data with other members of our group of companies.

Social Media Platforms: Where you choose to interact with us through social media, your interaction with these programs typically allows the social media company to collect some information about you through digital cookies they place on your device and other tracking mechanisms they place on your device. In some cases, the social media company may recognize you through its digital cookies even when you do not interact with its application. Please visit the social media companies’ respective privacy policies to better understand their data collection practices and the controls they make available to you.

In Response to Legal Process: We share data when we believe in good faith that we are lawfully authorized or required to do so to respond to lawful subpoenas, warrants, court orders, or other regulatory or law enforcement requests.


Sharing of Aggregated or De-Identified Data

We may use and share at our discretion data that has been aggregated (information that has been compiled into summaries) or de-identified (information that has been stripped of all unique identifiers such that it cannot be linked to a particular individual).

Combination of Information

We may combine information from the Services together and with other information we obtain from our business records. Additionally, information collected about you from a particular browser or device may be linked to information collected from another computer or device that we believe relates to you.

Change of Ownership or Corporate Organization

We may share or transfer to another entity or its affiliates or service providers some or all information we have about you in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, acquisition, sale of assets or any line of business, change in ownership control, or financing transaction. We cannot promise that an acquiring party or the merged entity will have the same privacy practices or treat your information the same as described in this Policy.

Cross-border Transfer of Data

If you use or access our Services outside of the United States, you understand that we will collect, process, and store your information in the United States and other countries. The laws in the United States regarding the collection, use, and protection of user information may be different from the laws of your country or the country from which you access the Services. By accessing or using the Services, you knowingly and unambiguously consent to the collection, international transfer, storage, and processing of your data in the United States.

Our Practices Regarding Information Belonging to Children

The Services are not directed to and not intended for children. BASS does not knowingly collect information from children under 13 online. If we discover or made aware that we have inadvertently collected information from anyone younger than the age of 13, we will promptly delete that information.


Your Account: You may use your account options to change information such as your contact details. Please visit https://develop.bassmaster.com/bass-member-services.

Email Unsubscribe: If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from receiving commercial emails or newsletters from us, you can click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any such email, click here, or contact us at online@bassmaster.com and we will promptly remove you from the applicable correspondence. Please note it may take up to 10 days to update or apply your preferences or opt-out request.

Ad Choices: You can learn more about ad serving companies and the options available to limit their collection and use of your information by visiting the websites for the Network Advertising Initiative and the Digital Advertising Alliance. Similarly, you can learn about your options to opt out of mobile app tracking by certain advertising networks through your device settings and by resetting the advertiser ID on your Apple or Android device.

Please note that opting out of advertising networks services does not mean that you will not receive advertising while using our Services or on other websites, nor will it prevent the receipt of interest-based advertising from other companies that do not participate in these programs. It will, however, exclude you from interest-based advertising conducted through participating networks, as provided by their policies and choice mechanisms. If you delete your cookies, you may also delete your opt-out preferences.

You can control cookies using your web browser’s settings. If you delete your cookies or if you set your browser to decline cookies, some features of the Sites may not be available, work, or work as designed.

Your browser or device may include “Do Not Track” functionality. We do not honor Do Not Track signals at this time.

Your Right to Know and Request Access to and Deletion of Personal Information

You have the right to request access to Personal Information collected about you and information regarding the source of that Personal Information, the purposes for which we collect it, and the third parties and service providers with whom we share it. You also have the right to request in certain circumstances that we delete Personal Information that we have collected directly from you. We may have a reason under the law why we do not have to comply with your request, or why we may comply with it in a more limited way than you anticipated. If we do, we will explain that to you in our response.

How to Submit an Access or Deletion Request

You may submit a request to exercise your rights to know/access or delete your personal information by contacting us at online@bassmaster.com.

You may authorize another individual or a business registered with the California Secretary of State, called an authorized agent, to make requests on your behalf through these means.

Verification Procedures

In order to process your request to know/access or delete Personal Information we collect, disclose, or sell, we must verify your request. We verify your identity by asking you to provide personal identifiers we can match against information we may have collected from you previously and confirm your request using the email or telephone account stated in the request.

We will not use Personal Information we collect in connection with verifying or responding to your request for any purpose other than responding to your request.


California Shine the Light

California’s “Shine the Light” law, Civil Code section 1798.83, requires certain businesses to respond to requests from California customers asking about the businesses’ practices related to disclosing personal information to third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes. Alternately, such businesses may have in place a policy not to disclose personal information of customers to third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes if the customer has exercised an option to opt-out of such information-sharing. As discussed above, if you wish to find out more about your opt-out rights, or opt-out of our sharing of your information with third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes offline, please contact us at online@bassmaster.com. To opt out of our sharing your information with third parties for use with their direct marketing purposes via email, please click here.

Notice at Collection Regarding the Categories of Personal Information Collected

You have the right to receive notice of the categories of Personal Information we collect, and the purposes for which we use Personal Information. We collect this Personal Information for the purposes described in the How We Use the Information section above.

Personal Identifiers

  • We collect identifying information such as your name, phone number, email address and contact address. We may also collect information from you about other people, such as if you provide us with contact information to purchase a gift card.
  • We collect your social media handle and basic account information when you interact with us through social media.
  • We collect a unique numerical identifier, assigned to you by a first-party cookie, automatically when you use our website.
  • You may submit information to us to enable us to process payments.
  • We may collect health information about you in the context of tournament safety.
  • We collect your IP address and other device information automatically when you use our website.
  • Protected Classifications: We may collect your age and gender when you register for a tournament.
  • Commercial Information: When you engage in transactions with us, we create records of your purchases.
  • Internet or Other Electronic Network Activity Information: We collect information about your browsing history, search history, and interactions with websites, and/or applications advertisements automatically.
  • Geolocation Data: As described above, we collect your IP address automatically when you use our website. We may be able to determine your general location based on the IP address. We do not collect your precise location (e.g., your GPS coordinates).
  • Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information: If you contact us via phone, we may record the call. We will notify you if a call is being recorded at the beginning of the call. We may collect your image.
  • Professional or employment-related information: We may collect information about your current employer and your employment history if you apply for a job with us.
  • Education information: We may collect information about the institutions you have attended and the level of education you have attained if you apply for a job with us.
  • Inferences drawn to create a profile about a consumer reflecting the consumer’s preferences or characteristics: We may analyze your preferences based on the information we and our partners gather when you interact with our website.
  • Our practices regarding the disclosure and sale of your Personal Information are described below. To opt-out of the sale of your Personal Information, please visit our “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” page here.

Right to Know About Sources of Personal Information and Personal Information Disclosed or Sold

During the preceding 12 months, we have disclosed for business purposes and/or sold the following categories of personal information to the following categories of recipients:

Category of Personal Information Categories of Sources Categories of Entities to which We Sell Personal Information Categories of Entities to which We Disclose Personal Information
Personal Identifiers You; third party agents selling magazines on our behalf; sponsors who enroll you into a membership with us; our social media pages We may sell contact details that we obtain from you when you register for a membership or our other products to list brokers Any type of service provider listed above
Commercial Information You N/A Any type of service provider listed above
Internet or Other Electronic Network Activity Information You Analytics and advertising partners Any type of service provider listed above
Geolocation You Analytics and advertising partners Any type of service provider listed above
Inferences drawn to create a profile about a consumer reflecting the consumer’s preferences or characteristics You N/A Any type of service provider listed above

Entities to whom we disclose information for business purposes are service providers, which are companies that we engage to conduct activities on our behalf. Service providers are restricted from using Personal Information for any purpose that is not related to our engagement.

Entities to whom we “sell” information are third parties. A business “sells” personal information when it discloses it to a company for monetary or other benefit. A company may be considered a third party either because the purpose for its sharing of personal information is not for an enumerated business purpose under California law, or because its contract does not restrict it from using personal Information for other purposes.

Right to Opt Out of Sale of Personal Information to Third Parties

You have the right to opt out of any sale of your Personal Information by BASS to third parties.

To exercise your right to opt out of the sale of your Personal Information, please visit our “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” webpage.

Please note that your right to opt out does not apply to our sharing of Personal Information with service providers.

We may also disclose information to other entities who are not listed here when required by law or to protect our Company or other persons, as described in this Privacy Policy.

Notice Regarding Participation in Financial Incentives

We may run promotions, loyalty programs, sweepstakes, Fantasy Fishing, and contests (our “Incentives”) from time to time whereby we incentivize a customer to provide personal identifiers. We will provide you with more information about these incentives when you sign up, and participation is voluntary. You may opt out of participating in Incentives at any time or exercise your right of deletion, but if you do, you may no longer be able to receive the benefit of the Incentive because we may require your Personal Information to administer the Incentive (such as to send you money or products if you win a sweepstakes).


When you apply for a job with BASS, we collect certain information about you as outlined in this Policy. Information may be collected about you in multiple ways: you may provide it to us in connection with your application; we may make observations in the application process or collect information from public information sources; or you may authorize us to collect information from other sources, such as a former employer or reference. In certain circumstances, you may submit your application for employment through a third-party service that displays our job posting. We do not control the privacy practices of these third-party services. Please review their privacy policies carefully prior to submitting your application materials.


We may make changes to this Policy from time to time. The “Effective Date” at the top of this page indicates when this Privacy Policy was last revised. We may also notify you in other ways from time to time about the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information described in this Policy.

For questions about our privacy practices, please contact us at online@bassmaster.com, or write to us at:

3500 Blue Lake Dr., Suite 330
Birmingham, AL 35243

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