Justin Hamner
Elite Series

Years as a full-time pro angler: 2
Signature technique/strength: Jerkbait & LiveScope
Home waters: Lake Tuscaloosa Favorite place to fish: Lake Champlain
Career highlights: After earning a spot in the Bassmaster Elite Series lineup for 2021 via the Opens, Justin had two Top 15 finishes at the Tennessee River (14) and Lake Champlain (10), and finished second in the Rookie of the Year standings.
Did you know: In middle school, Justin was assigned a class project on what he wanted to be when he grew up. His choice for role model? Fellow Elite Series angler Jay Yelas.
Signature technique/strength: Jerkbait & LiveScope
Home waters: Lake Tuscaloosa Favorite place to fish: Lake Champlain
Career highlights: After earning a spot in the Bassmaster Elite Series lineup for 2021 via the Opens, Justin had two Top 15 finishes at the Tennessee River (14) and Lake Champlain (10), and finished second in the Rookie of the Year standings.
Did you know: In middle school, Justin was assigned a class project on what he wanted to be when he grew up. His choice for role model? Fellow Elite Series angler Jay Yelas.
American Baitworks Co.
Buck N' Bass
Falcon Boats
Fast N Easy
Spearpoint Hooks
The Bass Tank
Visit Tuscaloosa
X2 Power
